Friday 20 September 2013

般若波罗密多心经 (Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra)

Posted by drdoof on 16-06-2013, 1:47 PM :

smallninjaboy wrote:
Hello 般若菠萝蜜多心经 is what sutra in english?
般若波罗密多心经 (Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra)

观 自 在 菩 萨, 行 深 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 时, 照 见 五 蕴 皆 空,
Guan Zi Zai Pu Sa, Xing Shen Bo Ro Bo Luo Mi Duo Shi, Zhao Jian Wu Yun Jie Kong,
Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, while deeply immersed in Prajñāpāramitā, [he] clearly perceives the empty nature of the five skandhas,

渡 一 切 苦 厄。 舍 利 子,色 不 异 空, 空 不 异 色,色 即 是 空,
Du Yi Qie Ku Eh. She Li Zi, Se Bu Yi Kong, Kong Bu Yi Se, Se Ji Shi Kong,
[thereby] transcending all sufferings and difficulties. Śāriputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form is thus emptiness;

空 即 是 色, 受 想 行 识, 亦 复 如 是。 舍 利 子, 是 诸 法 空 相,
Kong Ji Shi Se,Shou Xiang Xing Shi, Yi Fu Ru Shi. She Li Zi, Shi Zhu Fa Kong Xiang,
emptiness is thus form. Feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness are also the same. Śāriputra, the characteristics of all dharmas is emptiness,

不 生 不 灭,不 垢 不 净, 不 增 不 减。 是 故,空 中 无 色,
Bu Sheng Bu Mie, Bu Gou Bu Jing, Bu Zeng Bu Jian. Shi Gu Kong Zhong Wu Se,
which are non-arising, non-ceasing; non-defiled, non-pure; non-increasing, non-decreasing. Thus, within the emptiness, there is no form,

无 受 想 行 识, 无 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意,无 色 声 香 味 触 法,
Wu Shou Xiang Xing Shi, Wu Yan Er Bi She Shen Yi, Wu Se Sheng Xiang Wei Chu Fa,
no feelings, perceptions, volitions or consciousness; no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body or mind; no form, sound, smell, taste, touch or dharmas;

无 眼 界, 乃 至 无 意 识 界,无 无 明, 亦 无 无 明 尽, 乃 至 无 老 死,
Wu Yan Jie, Nai Zhi Wu Yi Shi Jie, Wu Wu Ming, Yi Wu Wu Ming Jin, Nai Zhi Wu Lao Si,
no eye-realm, and so forth, up to no realm of mind-consciousness; no ignorance and no ending of ignorance, and so forth, up to no aging and death

亦 无 老 死 尽,无 苦 集 灭 道, 无 智 亦 无 得,以 无 所 得 故。菩 提 萨 陀,
Yi Wu Lao Si Jin, Wu Ku Ji Mie Dao, Wu Zhi Yi Wu De, Yi Wu Suo De Gu. Pu Ti Sa Tuo,
or no ending of aging and death; No suffering, origination, cessation, path; no wisdom nor its attainment. [These are] because there is nothing to be attained. As the bodhisattva

依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故,心 无 挂 碍,无 挂 碍 故,无 有 恐 怖,
Yi Bo Ro Bo Luo Mi Duo Gu, Xin Wu Gua Ai, Wu Gua Ai Gu, Wu You Kong Bu,
relies on Prajñāpāramitā, his mind has no worries or obstruction. Because of no worries or obstruction, there is no fear.

远 离 颠 倒 梦 想, 究 竟 涅 磐。三 世 诸 佛,依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故,
Yuan Li Dian Dao Meng Xiang, Jiu Jing Nie Pan. San Shi Zhu Fo, Yi Bo Bo Bo Luo Mi Duo Gu,
He distances [the] inverted dreams and thoughts and achieves ultimate Nirvana. [The] buddhas of the past, present, and future, by relying on Prajñāpāramitā,

得 阿 褥 多 罗 三 藐 三 菩 提。故 知,般 若 波 罗 蜜 多, 是 大 神 咒,
De Ah Nou Duo Luo San Miao San Pu Ti. Gu Zhi Bo Ro Bo Luo Mi Duo, Shi Da Shen Zhou,
have attained Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Therefore, [one should] know the Prajñāpāramitā is [a] great powerful dharani,

是 大 明 咒, 是 无 上 咒, 是 无 等 等 咒, 能 除 一 切 苦,
Shi Da Ming Zhou, Shi Wu Shang Zhou, Shi Wu Deng Deng Zhou, Neng Chu Yi Qie Ku,
is [a] great enlightening dharani, is [a] supreme dharani, is [an] unequalled and equal dharani, [which] can eliminate all suffering

真 实 不 虚。故 说 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 咒, 即 说 咒 曰: 揭 缔, 揭 缔,
Zhen Shi Bu Xu. Gu Shuo Bo Ro Bo Luo Mi Duo Zhou, Ji Shuo Zhou Yue: Jie Di, Jie Di,
truly without falsity. Therefore, [he] recites the Prajñāpāramitā Dharani, immediately reciting [the] dharani as “gate gate

波 罗 揭 缔,波 罗 僧 揭 缔,菩 提 萨 婆 诃。
Bo Luo Jie Di, Bo Luo Seng Jie Di, Pu Ti Sa Po Heh.
paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha”.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Heart Sutra 心经

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 18-03-2013, 7:17 PM :

Heart Sutra 心经


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā 般若波羅蜜多心經

Posted by AUTUMN&WINTER on 16-03-2013, 9:07 AM :

Dun Tang wrote:
Hi Guys,

Is there any translation of the heart sutra, line by line ?

Those booklet I have is insufficient.

Heart sutra is profound. My Shifu takes 1 session, about 2 hours to explain the meaning of 1 line. My Shifu mentioned those who truly understands Heart Sutra will have teary eyes whenever one recites it. I've not reached this stage yet but I like to recite it as it's all about Emptiness.

Following is what I found on the net.

Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā

Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Tang Dynasty
by The Tripiṭaka Master Xuanzang from China

As Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva went deep into prajñā-pāramitā, he saw in his illumination the emptiness of the five aggregates, [the realization of] which delivers one from all suffering and tribulations.

“Śāriputra, form is no different from emptiness; emptiness is no different from form. In effect, form is emptiness and emptiness is form. The same is true for sensory reception, perception, mental processing, and consciousness. Śāriputra, dharmas, with empty appearances, have neither birth nor death, neither impurity nor purity, neither increase nor decrease.

“Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, nor sensory reception, perception, mental processing, or consciousness; no eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, or mental faculty, nor sights, sounds, scents, flavors, tactile sensations, or mental objects; no spheres, from eye sphere to mental consciousness sphere. There is neither ignorance nor ending of ignorance, neither old age and death nor ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, accumulation [of afflictions], cessation [of suffering], or the path. There is neither wisdom-knowledge nor attainment because there is nothing to attain.

“Bodhisattvas, because they rely on prajñā-pāramitā, have no hindrances in their minds. Without hindrance, they have no fear. Staying far from inverted dreaming and thinking, they will ultimately attain nirvāṇa. Buddhas of the past, present, and future, because they rely on prajñā-pāramitā, all attain anuttara-samyak-saṁbodhi.

“Hence, we know that the Prajñā-Pāramitā [Mantra] is the great spiritual mantra, the great illumination mantra, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, which can remove all suffering. It is true, not false. Hence the Prajñā-Pāramitā Mantra is pronounced. Then the mantra goes:

gate gate pāragate pāra-saṁgate bodhi svāhā ||”

—Sūtra of the Heart of Prajñā-Pāramitā
Translated from the digital Chinese Canon (T08n0251)